Provider Information/Impressum

The TraineeLand website is provided by TraineeLand LLC a company organised under the laws of the State of Delaware (US). TraineeLand LLC is registered with the Delaware Department of State: Division of Corporations, under the company number 6800883.

  • CEO: Jesus Alamo
  • Registered Address: 1201 Orange Street, Suite 600 Wilmington, Delaware 19801
  • Company Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company
  • Phone number: +49 01525 2633801
  • Email: [email protected]

TraineeLand LLC is represented in the European Union market by TraineeLand SRL, a company registered in Romania, Registration number: J26/842/2022.

TraineeLand has a PIC and OID number assigned by the European Commission.

For questions to TraineeLand LLC please submit an inquiry to our Email: [email protected].

Terms and Conditions of Use

1. Terms and Conditions of use

By accessing this site, you accept the following Terms and Conditions. You are only authorized to use the site and its services if you agree to abide by all applicable laws and to these Terms and Conditions.

2. Copyright

Permission to use, copy and distribute the documentation published by TraineeLand on this World Wide Web server is hereby granted on the condition that each copy contains this copyright notice in its entirety and that no part of the documentation is used for commercial purposes but restricted to use for information purposes within an organization.

3. Accuracy of information provided

All information published on this website is provided as is without any representation or warranty of any kind either express or implied including but not limited to implied warranties for merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. Any TraineeLand documentation may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes and additions may be made by TraineeLand from time to time to any information contained herein.

4. Privacy

TraineeLand considers privacy an important issue, so we build and operate our web services with the protection of privacy taken into account. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details.